You may think you have the best dad, you may think you picked the best father for your kids. But, you’re wrong!
I picked best. B and I have our issues. Sometimes we struggle at this thing called marriage. But, there is one thing that we are awesome at. We are amazing parents together. We had no clue when we wed that our biggest strength would be our ability to parent together. And B is even more amazing because he took the leap.. he took the risk of parenting foster kids. I tell people that we took the step to foster for selfish reasons, and that is true. But, I was the one pushing us to that path and B let us go. He was brave enough to parent kids who were hurting and hurt and he did a great job. And he continues to be an amazing dad as we face the new challenges of being parents to teenagers and adolescents.
And I like to think that I was so good at picking because I had such a great role model.
My dad is the best!
I could write a book about why he is the best… I think I will save that for another day. Today I will share one thing. A year or two ago he asked me to talk to him about his legacy. He wanted to know how I will remember him. I couldn’t do it. I couldn’t speak the words aloud. He means so much to me that thinking of him gone is a little much to talk through. I did write down my thoughts for him.
And my biggest thought was how, even though I am grown, he is still working on being a better father to me.
I am a lucky woman.
Hope you all are enjoying the special men in your lives today, just know that they are not the best in the world. I already have that market cornered.
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