Seems like it’s so boring since I don’t have court updates to add. Can you believe that we’re almost to the one year anniversary of V’s adoption? I will admit that I look at the photos from the party at least once a week still.
So, what are we up to?
Let’s give you the run-down.
I am procrastinating. I have loads and loads of laundry to do and a sink full of dishes. Not to mention all of the sewing and crafting projects piling up around me. I have been, however, sticking to my little projects around the house. My desk in the kitchen is clean and the kids’ rooms still look decent. This week I am diving into my pantry to see what I can find & clean.
B is napping… Literally, I can barely hear my music over his snoring. LOL! The station has been moved and his work schedule is back to normal for the time being. We both expect a lot of travel for him down the road this fall into next year.
Big D is doing o.k. He’s started baseball. They haven’t had their first game yet, but he’s secured a position at short stop and has the most hustle of any of the kids on his team. He is still struggling in school, but we definitely see progress.
Little d also is starting some new activities, as I posted the other day… he’s loving Chess Club and tennis starts soon for him. He also is loving the piano. All of the kids started lessons this summer and he really loves it. He, however, is still struggling to stay healthy. We just finished the fourth week of school and he’s already missed four days of school. We are hoping that his ear will heal soon and we’ll be able to put this illness junk behind us.
Kindergarten is all fun and games for V. He already has a new best friend and they were inseparable at the skating party last night (although, there was no skating involved in the night for either of them). He’s doing well learning his phonograms and you can tell that Head Start is paying off with his writing of both letters and numbers.
Miss Bean also has a best friend at preschool. She even made him wear a black shirt to match hers the other day!
I really need to get the camera out so that I can share some photos along with this, but I haven’t taken a picture of anything lately!
O.K. Enough procrastination from me today. Stay safe if you’re on the East Coast.
Four score and seven minutes ago, I read a sweet artclie. Lol thanks
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