Teaching the class I taught to future foster/adoptive parents, there was one common complaint among my students. Class after class they would tell us that we were too negative. We only shared the hardships of fostering. We only shared the horror stories.
Now, even though we are no longer fostering, I still try to keep connected to foster and adoptive parents.
And, honestly, so very much of what they share is their hardships, their struggles… It’s hard work. It’s life in the trenches.
I spend a lot of my time still fighting the affects of early childhood trauma. Even though we closed our license years ago, and we are a forever family, those scars remain. More than that, some of the wounds haven’t even healed!
But, today is not the day to dwell on that. Today is a day to celebrate!

A few months after they moved in with us
The reason we never shared the good in being a foster parent… It’s because it doesn’t need to be spoken. It’s obvious. From the first second you even think about fostering, you can already picture the child you will love. The instant you meet them, you fall in love. The good is so abundant.
Today is the day that our family became a forever family.
After three years in the system our boys were finally ours!
They are the good.
So hard to imagine life without them.. How did we survive before?
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