I don’t know if my parents will get that reference in the title or not, but I think the book is one of the top sellers right now (
Anyhow, there have been things that the kids have done and said in the past that still make me smile. D used to call McDonald’s “to McDonald’s”, d was just commenting this morning how he used to call burgers boogers and ask to go eat at “Booger King”. Hamburgers were hungaburgers for a long time. Oh, and for whatever reason (Brian and I never figured this one out) hand weights or bar bells were always called “hangs”. And don’t let me forget, hangers were called hookers (heck, since I’m going there with the title, I might as well let the whole post be a little adult).
Now V has reached the age where he talks non-stop. Literally, there are times when he only pauses to take breaths and I don’t think he cares if anyone else is listening, he just goes on and on and on. His favorite things to talk about are cars, trucks, trains, monster trucks, monsters, zombies, cartoons, movies, food… In all of this talking there are a few words that he’s invented or started using. And I really had to write a couple of them down so I don’t forget. Oh, and I thought it’d be fun to see if anyone can translate.
So, here is a short list of “V” words:
- Tavel
- Curve (yes, I know what a curve is, but do you know what V means when he says it?)
- Alsalee
- Maleg
Any guesses??
Dont forgtet..
oops, meant-
“cheese meat”
Good one… I asked Brian, but couldn’t remember anymore…