One of the things that has cracked me up this summer is seeing a new side of D. He has always been the kid with the most energy. He doesn’t like to just veg out with the tv. But, I had no idea how much he relies (thrives?) on my keeping the family busy.
There are a bunch of blog posts floating around about making your kids play and letting them be bored. And while I agree with that in principle, I think having independent kids is awesome, I keep the kids busy for my own sanity. When we are busy we have less time to trash the house, less energy for fighting, an incentive to get chores done (to get to the fun!)… Basically it works for us. Busy kids = happy mama 🙂
Anyhow, D knows we keep busy, but he wants a plan. So, I have made a little Pinterest inspired creation to show him the plan.