Today is that one day of the year when we take care of the women who spend the rest of the year taking care of us.
I’ve always been pretty independent. I think that it comes from being kid #2. Your mom has her hands full… And I guess you’re never lonely, so you don’t worry about being alone. Anyhow, there have been several times this year that I’ve been in need. And it’s funny, what I wanted each time was my mom.
I am pretty sure that she knows that I love her (love you, Mom!). But, one of the things that they say you should do with kids is tell them specifically the things you appreciate. So, here’s a short list of some of the things that make my Mom the best.
- You reading to my kids over the computer.
- The mad shopping skills you passed on to each of your girls.
- Your love of games and playing in general.
- The fact that you see things and think, “That says Amanda,” and you’re always right on when you think that.
- Your smells… No, you don’t stink. But, there are certain scents that I smell that take me right back to my childhood. Usually it’s your perfume that I smell and it takes me back to sitting and watching you get ready to go.
- The amazing costumes you created for Halloween.
- The cool decorating you did in my room when I was growing up. I wish I can photos to share on that one…
The list could go on and on and on. The bottom line is, that I love my mom!
I would be remiss if there wasn’t one other woman I mentioned… My other mom. When I married a few years ago, I really did gain another family. Janice, thank you for taking me into your family with open arms. You raised such an amazing man and you continue to be a wonderful Mom to him and to me.
There are all sorts of other “moms” who had a hand in my upbringing. Some of them realize it, my Grandma, my Great Aunt… some of them probably don’t, my college professor, my former co-worker. I am just glad to have had so many amazing women in my life.
Thank you to all of the Mom’s out there today, especially *my* Mommy!
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