I should complain on here more often.
Court was today. And they severed our little guy’s Mom’s rights! Woohoo! This makes us another step closer to adoption. And this was *exactly* what we were hoping would happen at court.
Today Might Just Be the Day...
What happens in the daily life of the family.. the drama of foster care, the adventures of parenting, & pictures to share with everyone!
By: Amandacomment
By: Amandacomment
Limbo go lower now…
That’s where we are, limbo. And I feel like the system is stalling.
Actually I don’t know that they’re stalling. I do know, however, that with the economy being the huge issue it is & our state going broke. We’d love to save Arizona some money and go ahead and adopt our little boy, rather than have him in foster care any longer.
Yesterday was supposed to be a hearing for him. Brian showed up only to be told that the hearing was vacated. Now we wait. Sigh.
This month marks two years that he has been a foster child. The federal law requires that after 15 months the courts do some permanency plans. Ideally, children should not be in foster care longer than 18 months. Scratch that. Children shouldn’t be in foster care. But, if they are, they shouldn’t just stay there.
This month also marks two years since we adopted Daniel and David. It was only a week before their adoption that we got the call telling us that our little guy was in foster care.
Brian has always “known” that we’d adopt our little guy. I have always worried. We’ve been told that he was leaving the state as soon as possible. We’ve been told that they were going to start moving him home. We’ve been told about everything.
It’s hard, but I need to change my perspective back to what it was when he came. It took us three months to have him moved to our home. And my goal was just to take as many pictures as possible and enjoy him for the short while that they were predicting. I just wanted to give Daniel and David the gift of knowing their biological brother.
Now, he’s not only their brother through genes. He’s their brother through vacations and illnesses, teasing and laughing, being naughty and being sweet. He is ours. No matter what the courts do or say, or however long they take to do it or say it.
With that, I’m off to cuddle that little guy before nap time.
By: Amandacomment
In the car the other night..
Bean: I’m not going to spank my butt because it’s beautiful.
Me: It’s beautiful?
Bean: My butt is a Princess butt.
Ahhh.. isn’t that modesty refreshing??
On a completely unrelated topic, I had lost my cell phone last week. I finally have a new one, but now I have no contact information. So, if you’re someone who wants to hear from me, please send me your number. Thanks!
By: Amandacomment
Another piece of wisdom that I’ve gleamed from Daniel’s behavior coach.
Daniel will sometimes come home and just release all of the feelings he has had throughout the day. I will sometimes take this personally. But, Coach David pointed out that home is where Daniel is safe. He knows that whatever he pours out and no matter how hard he beats on us, we will still be there. We can take the punches.
So often, I do the same. I know that Brian will always love me so I can be upset with him. I can vent to him. He gets the worst of my feelings sometimes. Thankfully, he’s my home… my Everlast bag. He will stand strong through all of the ups and downs. I hope he feels the same about me.
This just struck me as I was thinking about the beginning of school. All of the changes that our family will go through in such a short period of time. Thankfully, we all have home. We have a family that can roll with the punches.
By: Amandacomment
Today my thoughts are with my brothers. I heard from Andrew that he will be coming home soon! He’ll be back in the states in the beginning of August. I haven’t heard from Ben in a long time. Hopefully, he’s hanging in there, too.
By: Amandacomment
By: Amandacomment
Well, our A/C is kind of working right now.
And I think the high is somewhere around 106 today. Turns out that the guys who fixed it in June might have fixed it wrong. And that might be the reason we needed a new compressor. No matter who caused it, the new compressor still can’t work right because of other issues.
I am so glad that we have a home warranty, but Brian is equally upset at having to deal with them on this issue.
So, what do you do in Phoenix in the summer when your A/C is down? Get the heck out of the house & find free A/C! Last night I took the kids out to dinner and to the play land at the mall. I was very proud that I entertained them and kept all of us out of the house for a whole 3 hours! I didn’t even get too mad at them.
Today, we did the movies and a lap around a different mall. This time we made it for over 3 hours!
Right now they’re all snoozing and I think we’re going to hit the pool this afternoon for our cool off session.
The new frog is doing well.
That’s all for now..
By: Amandacomment
By: Amandacomment
I am so sick & tired of all of the blarney that we’re still going through with our foster care stuff that we added a different type to our family.
We have a new frog!
After going to the toy store with a friend and her kids (it’s the coolest toy store ever, by the way!), I told the kids that we could go to the pet store and pick out a fish. There were these adorable little frogs @ the toy store and I thought that a fish would be easier to maintain (a.k.a. keep alive). *BUT*, then we went to the pet store and saw the cute little frogs they had there.
So, we now welcome Spotty to our family. Bean is totally afraid of the thing. But the boys are in love. They want to touch and hold him all of the time. I’m hoping that as the newness wears off we’ll be able to share this pet with a couple other families.
I never thought that I’d be the mom who doesn’t care for pets. But that is what I am.
I love the dog and this new frog is cute, but I could live with a pet free home.
In other news, David is now bald!
By: Amandacomment
Well, a day late & a dollar short seems to be the story of my life lately.
But, I did want to take some time, even a little late, to say something about how lucky I am. Through this past week and the struggles that it held, I was never alone. Brian is a wonderful husband and an amazing dad. When I am at the end of my rope, he takes on part of the burden. When I’m tired, he gives me the time to recharge. Watching him with the older boys at the pool was a gift that he gave to me yesterday. He has so much patience. I know that they will remember days like that when they are my age.
I remember days with my dad. We would hike or go to the Art Center or the Science Center. We had our special days together. I was kid #2 so I had the second Saturday of each month with my Dad. I’m pretty sure he knows how much that time meant to me… If not, maybe he’ll read this! Thank you, Dad!
And thank you to my friends and family. This has been a challenging week for us. Thanks for letting us know that we aren’t alone.