There is one boss in this family. If she’s not happy, nobody is happy. And “she” is not me.
The little one, she’s our princess.
But, she’s still the little one. And sometimes that means that she can be the victim.
Today we took V, Dan and the Bean to Jeeper’s. Jeeper’s is a ghetto cross between Chuck E. Cheese and Amazing Jake’s. Dave had a party at Amazing Jake’s so we wanted to something fun without having to take out a second mortgage so Jeeper’s it was.
Anyhow, Jeeper’s has a huge indoor playland thing. It’s really amazing and huge. And Bean typically loves going up the ladder and down the slide over and over and over again. Today, however, she only went down about three times total. Little V decided to use his powers for evil and informed our little princess that the play structure was actually a haunted house. We tried to save her and told her that the only evil thing was her big brother, but she’d have none of it and she wouldn’t go up in the playland anymore.
I have a feeling she’ll exact her revenge shortly…