Today’s plan = Epcot!
I have been, but it was a l-o-n-g time ago. The kids keep asking questions and I know nothing 🙂
Today Might Just Be the Day...
What happens in the daily life of the family.. the drama of foster care, the adventures of parenting, & pictures to share with everyone!
By: Amandacomment
By: Amanda2 Comments
So, I have been copying my husband.. I am doing the same plan that he did when he dropped his weight. I wasn’t sure I could succeed–frankly, some days I’m still not sure. But, I wanted to share a little before and mid-way progress.. I still have some work to do, but I am very, very, very happy with the progress that I have made.
Way back in my brown hair days.. the kids didn’t think this looked like me & thankfully it doesn’t anymore!
Please excuse the mess (both on me and in my house!).. These were just for comparison only!
By: Amanda1 Comment
(I started this post months and months ago, but abandoned it.. It’s no longer timely for our family. But, I think it’s an important message that I need to get out there. If you know anyone who has adopted or dealt with the foster system, I think that this is one of my stronger pieces about one of the struggles that is so real to them.)
I have blogged before about “Mom Guilt”… I really think it’s a silly thing, but I recently fell prey to it myself.
One of the kids did a particularly ugly behavior. I mean it was *really* bad. So, like any modern mom, I turned to the Internet for support. Some people told me that if it were their kid, they’d beat the kid. One or two surmised that I am raising the next generation’s serial killer… We don’t beat our kids and I am relatively certain that this was not the work of a psychopath. But, it also isn’t and wasn’t something I or we could just ignore.
The behavior was likely just a case of not thinking and poor impulse control. That does not mean that it was o.k. Not even a little. It also doesn’t mean that there wasn’t a consequence…we ended up having an extra helper for lots and lots of chores and lots of one-on-one time with B & me, during which the behavior and choices were discussed over and over again.
Anyhow, now that things are a bit calmer, I was revisiting the Internet comments in my mind… One Mom commented that I shouldn’t feel guilt because no matter what parenting steps I am taking, some of it is just nature. And I agree, no matter what you do as a mom, there are some things you just cannot control. For us, we know that D has ADHD. It has nothing to do with our parenting, it’s just a fact. So, the way that we nurture him is designed to help him with some of those natural issues…
And, on top of all of that, we have another layer in our family. The nurture that they deserved wasn’t there when they were little. Our poor, sweet, innocent children went through more than I want to even contemplate. They suffered at the hands of the people who were supposed to nurture them. They missed out on critical bonding time. There are literally connections in their brains that didn’t form or didn’t form correctly because of the selfish acts of the very people who brought them into the world.
There are some people who have told me that my kids aren’t special or unique because they’re adopted–there is one word for those people–wrong!
My kids are up against both genetic flaws and the uphill battle of getting back what they missed out on… And that makes me sad for them. We have wonderful, amazing children. What strength they have. Thankfully, I think they’re blissfully unaware of what they’ve overcome. But, it’s pretty stunning if you think about it. Most of the adults I know wouldn’t survive what they went through.
Children, and adults, who go through “the system” truly have the deck stacked against them. These are kids who weren’t given up for adoption, they’re kids who were removed from unsafe conditions. In even the *very* best situation, they are torn from the bonds of one family and forced to rebuild with another. And that is the best case.
So, I do have some guilt. I often wonder if I am making the right choices. I feel bad for not checking every single answer on homework. I feel bad that the kids aren’t doing more activites or classes. I feel bad when I see them make bad choices. I feel bad when they act out in public. I have my share of mom guilt. But, I think it’s a waste. 🙂 I adore my kids. I am pretty sure they know that. And I am doing my best. And I think that is all that I can do.
By: Amandacomment
Today I had 5 adorable little girls around my table for the first Girl Scout meeting I have been to in ages. And this time *I* was the leader! We practices the Girl Scout promise, did 2 crafts, made up rules for our troop, ate lots of snacks, learned the handshake, sang some songs, and started on a new journey together!
Next meeting all of the girls should have their tunics and I can’t wait to get a photo of them!
It definitely brought back lots of good memories. I only hope that Bethy’s leader is as good as mine was!
By: Amandacomment
So, we are into the third week of school. That means that, in theory, I have had 60 hours to tackle all of the projects that pile up around here.
Well, the piles still exist, and so do the projects.
I have gotten some crafting done. I have gotten back to the gym on a regular basis.
And then there has been the rest of the junk that steals my time: the computer, doctors appointments, dental appointments (4 already!), errands, and helping out at school.
Honestly, it has been good.
Life is good.
By: Amandacomment
School started last week & I totally thought that I would have all the time in the world for blogging. I envisioned a clean house, fresh baked cookies, lunch dates and tons of crafting. Hasn’t quite been reality. Maybe this week!
The kids are all doing well… They have old friends and new friends and have already had 3 nights with of homework.
And I think that they are really good looking kids 🙂
By: Amandacomment
By: Amandacomment
I think every year since I’ve lived in the Valley of the Sun, I’ve heard about Mighty Mud Mania and thought to myself how cool that day would be.. and once we had kids, I know for a fact that I’ve thought about taking them. This year we finally made it.
If you’re local, you should definitely plan to attend next year. There were obstacle courses, mud pits, spray zones, and water slides. There was also a huge sand castle area–where Daddy and the younger two spent most of their time. And they had a stage with Radio Disney out entertaining the kids.
The only bummer was that we had to leave early for Maggie’s first (badly needed) puppy training class.
And I *love* the photos!!
By: Amandacomment
I am *finally* on our desktop sitting down–the last couple of blog posts have been from my ipad while I was either hanging out with the husband or on the go with the kids. I think the term summer “break” is a total misnomer! There has been no “break” in our days!
We have been filling the time with friends and swimming and outings. We have been so busy that I’ve forgotten to send out the typical e-mails inviting our friends to join in. So, if you’re local and free, drop me a line and I’ll fill you in on where we’ll be. This week we have 4 play dates planned already!
But, before we jump into another crazy week, I wanted to take the time to post photos from the end of the year. Little d’s teacher was so sweet this year and on the last day sent them home with a card for the parents.. on the front there was a photo from the first day of school, on the inside there was a current photo. It was adorable. And my how much d has grown this year! So, I thought I’d do the same sort of thing for you all…
By: Amandacomment
Summer is here. Nana & Papa are gone, Daddy is out of town for work. So, it’s just me and the kids. Here was our day:
Breakfast, laundry, coupon clipping, CVS run, movies, mall run (Claire’s, Lego store, Build a Bear & Bare Essentials), snacks, reading, math worksheets, cut more coupons, grocery store, home to put up the groceries, library, Lego Club at the library, Kumon, more laundry, dishes, dinner, desert experiment (frozen, chocolate dipped bananas…), clean up all of the mess from dinner & desert, more laundry, movie from the library….
And tomorrow will be here too soon!