Here are just a couple of the Bean. More to follow soon of my boys! I have a ton that are very cute that I can’t share because my little guy is in all of them. On that note, his *adoption* caseworker was supposed to be here today, but ended up running late. So, tomorrow she’ll be out and we’ll start on the next batch of paperwork. The end is near!
Sometimes being a parent sucks.
Or, maybe it’s just that I suck at being a parent sometimes.
I’m sitting here in tears.
I just screamed at the kids.
I hate this.
The truth is, they don’t deserve someone yelling at them *ever*. But, sometimes it just all comes out. I didn’t yell yesterday when Bean stood in the middle of the floor in the bathroom naked and peed all over. And I didn’t lose my cool when big D took over an hour to write three sentences. And I’ve patiently answered V’s “why” at least a couple dozen times. I didn’t even say word one when the kids let the dog out the front door.
So, I guess it all bubbled up just now.
And here I sit crying.
Awww.. sometimes I guess I’m not so bad and this job isn’t so bad… little D just came in and told me he was sorry, and then Bean came in and gave me a hug. I got a chance to tell them that I shouldn’t yell and that I’m sorry, too.
Happy Birthday Dear V-Dog!
Our little guy is a year older today!
We woke up early and picked up Dunkin Donuts before school this morning. Then he got to go to a meeting with me (boring for him, but he loved telling everyone it was his special day). Then we went to Chuck E. Cheese to play a couple games (and let me ask a couple questions). Next we hit the mall & had lunch at the food court with little sister.
Now we’re all back home and the boys are playing in the yard.
I don’t know that it was all that magical or exciting, but I also don’t know that he’ll remember it anyhow.
I hope all of you who are local will get to come see us and help us celebrate together on Sunday. Much love to all of you who are far away. We truly miss everyone (more than normal) on these special days.
Happy Birthday, David!
How did mamma’s little boy get so big so fast?
David has always been a cuddle-bug, although, lately, he just wants to wrestle with me. And, he has always been a mama’s boy. When he first came to live with us, I carried him everywhere. And, there are times I wish I could put him in my pocket and carry him with me now, too. He could help me with my spelling, he gets perfect scores nearly every week. He could provide comic relief, he’s good at that. And maybe some of his energy would rub off on me.
I can hardly believe how big he’s getting. I wrapped up a pair of shoes for him for his birthday (I don’t think he reads my blog, so I figure the secret is safe here) and I think that by next year we’ll be in the same size.
Oh, and the other really cool thing…. for the next 3 days I’m the mom of 2 3 year-olds and 2 7 year-olds 🙂
Are you ready for some football?
Sadly, one season has ended. But, it was nice to have a playoff win for the Cowboys…
But, as in the circle of life (and equally important?), with the ending of one season, comes the beginning of another. Our older boys are now football players (well, sort of..). They started flag football this past Saturday.
Honestly, I know next to nothing about this league.
But, as I’ve learned to love the Cowboys, I’m sure I’ll also learn how to be a football mom. The mounting challenge now is how to get both boys to different places for practices at the same time in different locations (all while I’m at work–so I guess it’s really Brian’s challenge). We’ve been able to keep the boys on the same atletic teams up until this point, but I’m so glad that we started football this year. I think that had we waited, they’d be pretty far behind.
Next we’ll decide about a sport to try out for our little guy. So far he’s an expert at whining, pouting, and playing with trucks. Are those skills useful in any specific sports that you know of?
Oh, and as far as the girl child–she was very happily dressed up as Minnie Mouse this weekend as we shuffled the boys around. Are there any sports that involve makeup and dresses?
Wanna see something cool?
I *think* I can now upload photos.
Like I said when I started this whole thing, I’m not the technical expert.
Now, if I could only magically make it so that our dude was adopted and I could share his photo. And if I could make it so that somehow I could screen each and every person who views this so that I could share photos of our new little two…. *THAT* would be some real magic. But, I guess we’ll all just have to settle.
Here are photos of my forever babies. We had a band of pirates for Halloween. And we were a sight. I swear our neighbors felt sorry for the kids. They were given loads and loads of candy. We still have several (dozen?) pounds.
I guess while I have the chance, I should post something with some substance, too.
Our family is having a rough go of it. Well, I don’t know that that is a fair statement. Actually, our little two seem to be adjusting well. They’re talking more. They’re starting to listen (sometimes). Bean is back to going potty in the toilet. And her personality has returned. But, she doesn’t have as much attention as before (that could be a good thing?). Our little guy (who really isn’t the little one anymore) is doing o.k. He actually has responded to the change very well. But, he still has some behavior issues. Sigh. And our older boys…. *OUR* boys… well, I think they’re taking it in stride.
So, I guess it should just say that I am having a rough time.
Today the little ones went to day care for the first time. I think that they enjoyed it. I know that I enjoyed not having to stress every second that they were out of my sight. But, I wasted the time. I vegged. I didn’t get done all of the things that I needed to. And now all of those things are still waiting for me. I guess shutting down in stressful situations doesn’t really work with the lifestyle that I’m embarking on.
So, I don’t know what is ahead.
I don’t know how long I will be a mother of 6.
Please, keep us in your thoughts. And if you see a mom who looks like she is having a rough patch, just smile and think of me.
He’s getting a tattoo, yeah, he’s getting ink done. He asked for a 13, but he got a 31…