To be a parent, there are a few things that have to happen. Sure, having a kid is a good start…
But, until you’ve cleaned poo out of the tub or been thrown up on, are you *really* a parent?? If you haven’t stayed up all night with a sick kid, or toilet trained a stubborn two year old (aren’t all 2 year olds stubborn?!?), if you haven’t reached out to catch the puke to save your clean carpet…. are you really a parent?
Since we do comando parenting and have had lots of kiddos in a short period of time, we’ve gotten to go through all of these trials and tribulations at record speed.
But, there was one thing that I hadn’t done yet. Even though we’ve gone to the ER on four occasions and to Urgent Care too many times to count, I’ve never had a child with a broken bone.
I haven’t blogged at all this week.. And this was part of the issue.
Monday we went to the park with one of V’s new friends from t-ball. And it was only a couple minutes into playing when he fell off the top of the play structure.
Being the mean mom that I am, I didn’t think anything was wrong, so I calmed V down and told him to rest for a few minutes before he went back to playing. Well, after he calmed down, I encouraged him to go play again. That wasn’t happening. He started screaming bloody murder.
So, playdate was ended and we took off for Urgent Care.
Thankfully, our wonderful sitter was already headed in our direction, so she was able to pick up the other kiddos. Brian came and met us down at the UC. It took both of us holding V to ge the x-rays taken. And they didn’t see anything.
So, home we went with a very grouchy and sore kiddo.
Tuesday I called his pediatrican to see what we should do to follow up. V’s arm was swollen and he wasn’t using it anymore than he absolutely had to.
The pediatrican told us that they wouldn’t take a second x-ray for another week.
Then, Wednesday V woke up with a horrible sounding cough. It was almost like a seal’s bark.. poor little dude! So, off to the ped we went. Oh, and somehwere between when I called the ped. that morning and when our appointment was, David’s ear started leaking gunk.. so we knew we had an ear infection on our hands, too.
Anyhow, being the thrifty mom that I am, I got a two-fer and asked the ped. to look at V’s arm while we were there.
At that point, it was very swollen and V still wasn’t using his arm for much of anything.
So, the ped referred us to an orthopedic. I had no clue how hard it would be to get an appointment with an orthopedic. I think I called about 10 different offices and the fastest I could get him in was this morning (Friday). Wow.
Anyhow, we swung by the UC to pick up the x-rays this morning and headed to the other side of Phoenix this morning for our appointment.
Turns out that V’s left arm is broken right above the elbow.
He’s not a happy camper.
But, his poor arm is now safely healing inside a bright orange cast.
So, am I a real mom yet?
Ha! Ha!
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