And, no, that’s not a nice calm “Ahhh…. “, you know a sigh… it’s more of a, “What the heck was I thinking? Can someone please slow down time? How will it all get done?”, kind of scream.
I cannot believe that time decided just now to speed up. It’s so unfair!
Only 2 more days until court. I was talking to V about it on the drive to Head Start. And I started to cry.
V: Why are you crying?
Me: Because I’m so happy that you’re going to be all mine.
V: I love you, Mommy. You’re the best Mommy.
Then he reached out and we held hands for a bit. Oh, shoot, here come the water works again!
I updated my list of R.S.V.P.’s (I know nobody is surprised that I have it all on an excel file) and right now it looks like we’re going to have right around 60 people here to celebrate on Saturday. I am so excited to see everyone. It is something that *needs* to be celebrated. But, at the same time, that number is feeling a little scary. I really need to focus if I want to get the house clean & ready for a crowd. I can’t wait to see those of you who are local. And, for our farther away friends, I will be posting about a million photos very soon! I’ll be able to (finally) post photos of our cute little guy. And I will want to share our celebration with you via the computer.
In a totally different area of life (not that life can be divided–it completely refuses to when I ask it), I have gotten actual comments on this blog from people I don’t know “in real life”. And I’m so excited! I’m so honored that someone would read about us and our journey. I love reading other people’s blogs. But, I’m really bad about posting comments. So, a huge “Thanks” to anyone who doesn’t “know” me who’s chosen to learn more about us. And a huge “Thanks” to those of you who’ve passed along this site.
One of the things that was so interesting about the beginning of our foster careers to B & I was how little we really knew. We didn’t know how the system worked. We weren’t aware of parent’s rights, we knew nothing about the courts. We had a hard time finding services and figuring out what our role really was. And I started teaching PS-MAPP for that very reason. I don’t want anyone to go into fostering without knowing (at least a little) what’s in store for them. And, now as we’re nearing the end of this era… V will be our final adoption… I only hope that our experience will live on through another family that picks up the torch and decides that they are ready to foster. I hope that I can help at least one family along that road…
Gee-bus.. here are the tears again!
Thank you!!
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